As a part of our audit services, Bullock & Associates also offers freight payment.  This service presents your Accounts Payable Department a single invoice along with customized reporting each week which contain all the invoices received and processed by Bullock & Associates since the last reporting period.  After verifying the validity of the charges, your Accounts Payable Department simply pays the single invoice, and we remit payment to each of your freight carriers.  This allows your company to efficiently process freight payments while providing your freight carriers with a single point of contact for payment processing, payment receipt, and payment inquiry.  Bullock & Associates maintains an online access system where your freight carriers can look up their invoices, their point in the payment process, and the check information for each invoice.  Thus, not only is the logistical burden of freight invoicing reduced, but the necessity of your Accounts Payable Department in dealing with payment inquiries is handled instead by Bullock & Associates.  This service, when coupled with our pre-audit services, can result in significant savings, over and above of our fees, for your company.


There are a variety of options for actual payment processing available, and we can customize these options for your organization.  Why notThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us today for a free consultation on payment processing of your freight invoices!